Russian Ballerina Fitness Videos

This is a video of Mari Kruchkova (Mari) from Russia. And this kind of thing. Mari is such a Mari, but recently she has been diagnosed with diabetes, and she has been posting updates after her hospitalization. She continues to dance and has been posting videos frequently. We wish her a full recovery.

Dance Studio Summary

This is a dance studio performance. Another performance. Here we have a very striking and eye-catching “warning” costume, the design of which is so bold and vivid that it almost symbolizes the opening of the stage. The costume is embroidered with bright reds and golds that seem to represent fiery passion. The wearer seems to … Read more

Reggae Dance Summary

Here are some videos of reggae dancing. In this video, professional dancers demonstrate a variety of reggae dance styles, which can be enjoyed by beginners and advanced dancers alike. Each movement, from the characteristic steps to the rhythmic and energetic movements, brings out the full appeal of reggae dance. Particularly impressive are the expressions on … Read more


あるダンススタジオのまとめです。 別の角度です。 条件付けで、この曲を聞くだけで元気になってきます。 別の角度でたくさん激写されてます。 ラストの紹介です。


福岡の高校吹奏楽部のまとめです。 一年生も少しずつですが元気に踊っています。 こちらの公演も素晴らしいですね。 上のは特に有名な回の公演です。 別の角度からです。 ラストにダメ押しのもう一カメラです。


整体やマッサージの方法をわかりやすく解説してくれる動画です。 海外のレッスンも見て学んでみましょう。 ご家族同伴で訪れています。

