Middle and High School Dance Summary

This is a collection of dance videos taken at middle and high schools in our neighboring country, namely South Korea. These videos vividly show the students’ passion for what they do, and are captivating to watch. K-POP culture is extremely popular in Korea, and its influence is spreading to the younger generation. Young people showcase their dance skills at school festivals, sports festivals, and even community events for the public.

Watching these videos, we are often amazed by the sharp movements and precisely calculated formations that rival those of professional dancers. Not only that, but you can feel the enthusiasm and sense of unity in their dancing, which naturally draws the viewer in as well. It is inspiring to watch them express themselves through dance, sometimes in unison with their peers and sometimes by bringing their individual personalities to the forefront.

Through these videos, we can also get a glimpse of how they usually practice and the effort they put in. It is very impressive to see them practicing in their school classrooms and gymnasiums after school in junior high and high school. And sometimes they bond with their friends, and the experience of working toward a single goal as a team makes their student life even richer.

In this way, dance videos by Korean middle and high school students take on more significance than mere entertainment. It is a place for young people to grow and express themselves, and at the same time, it serves as a tool for sharing culture. The message and energy they transmit through dance will resonate strongly in the hearts of the viewers.
